A Covenant of Justice

In A Covenant of Justice, the sequel to Gerrold’s classic space opera Under the Eye of God, The Phaestor, a genetically altered vampiric race, have set in motion their final plan for the complete enslavement of the galaxy. However, they will not go unopposed, for on numerous worlds, humans, androids, and bioforms have joined forces against their vampiric overlords.

A government of vampires, dragons, and mutated humans display their galactic dominance, and while those entrusted with the wisdom of the galaxy sanction the struggle against the Phaestor, a cunning Vampire war queen, her ambitious suitor, and the fierce and invincible Dragon Lord vie for total domination.

The last hope for the galaxy remains in the hands of rebels from Thoska-Roole: a band of malcontents, outnumbered and pursued, fighting for their freedom, their lives, and the future … Read More 

When Harlie was One

H.A.R.L.I.E. (Human Analog Replication, Lethetic Intelligence Engine) is an artificially intelligent machine. David Auberson, the psychologist responsible for guiding HARLIE from childhood into adulthood, struggles to understand his erratic behavior.

When humans begin vocalizing their wishes that HARILIE be shut down, he has to prove his existence and value to his warm-blooded counterparts. Throughout HARILIE’s fight to stay alive, Auberson discovers the machine has vast knowledge and understanding of life, love, and logic, posing the philosophical question whether or not HARLIE is human, and for that matter, what it means to be human.

Nominated for the Hugo and Nebula awards for Best Novel of the Year, the themes of love and discovery in When HARLIE was One are even more important today than when first published.

Under the Eye of God

They were once humanity’s last hope; a race of genetically engineered killing machines known as the Phaestor and their army of deadly Moktar Dragons. Now, the enemy long vanquished, the Phaestor themselves have become the enemy, seizing control of the galaxy and subjugating all lesser species—including humans—to feed their appetite for terror and blood.

On a small, insignificant planet called Thoska-Roole, a ragtag alliance of humans, androids, and bioforms make a last desperate stand against Phaestor domination. Among their number are two bounty hunters, a mercenary starship captain, and a disgraced reptilian warrior. As the Phaestor begin a new reign of unprecedented terror, these rebels prepare to strike back against their vampire overlords and bring revolution to the stars.

Under the Eye of God, the first installment of Trackers, is followed by its sequel, A Covenant of Justice, where … Read More 

The World of Star Trek

In The World of Star Trek, David Gerrold opens up dialogue on the people, places, and events that made Star Trek one of the most popular series ever. Gerrold discusses what was successful and what wasn’t, offering personal interviews with the series’ legendary stars and dissecting the trends that developed throughout the seasons.

The complete inside story of what happened behind the scenes of the Star Trek universe, from scriptwriters’ memos to special effects and more, The World of Star Trek is the companion all Trekkies need for the most all-encompassing breakdown and analysis of Star Trek.